My grandfather, Henry Galperin, working as the campaign manager for congressional candidate Sam Shipley in Wilmington, DE, in 1976.

Welcome to the inaugural launch of W. Galperin Associates, my one-man, one-stop-shop ad agency. I know, the world needs another ad agency like it needs another [insert fill-in-the-blank thing that we have enough of here], but this one is different because you get to work with me, the guy about whom Fast Company said, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my office? Get down from there. Security!"

Anyway, I named my agency after H. Galperin Associates, a small but mighty company my grandfather ran out of his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, until the mid-1990s.

If you would like to work together, let me know.

Or, if you're just interested in staying in touch, follow my newsletter.


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